Medical Records Request

At League City Family Clinic, we are dedicated to maintaining a high level of privacy and confidentiality with all patient records. We keep all health information private and secure in accordance with federal and state regulations. Choose an option below to obtain a copy of your medical records.

1.) Healow Patient Portal

All patient records are available through the patient portal. You can access the patient portal at:

2.) Printed Copy

There is a fee of $25 for pages 1-20 and 50 cents per page thereafter. Please complete the medical records request form below and allow 7 business days for your request to be processed. You will be notified via text message once your records are available for pick up. If you request your records to be mailed, there will be an additional fee for postage. You will receive text message with a link for payment when your records are available and they will be mailed to you once payment is received.

3.) Emailed PDF Copy

Electronic medical records can be emailed upon patient request. There is a fee of $25 for records up to 500 pages and $50 for records greater than 500 pages. Please complete the medical records request form below and allow 7 business days for your request to be processed. You will receive text message with a link for payment when your records are available and they will be emailed to you once payment is received.